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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

I/O  [See files]
IAsynchResult interface, IsCompleted property  2nd 
ICloneable interface 
ICollection class 
ICollection interface  2nd 
ICompanyData interface 
IComparable interface  2nd  3rd 
IComparer interface  2nd 
icons used in this book 
IDisposable interface 
IEnumerable interface  2nd  3rd  4th 
IEnumerator interface  2nd 
IFormattable interface, ToString method and 
Ildasm disassembler tool 
Index property, BinaryTreeNode class 
    MultiMap class  2nd 
    parameters for, verifying correctness of 
    Set class 
IndexOf method
    PriorityQueue class 
    string class  2nd  3rd 
IndexOfAny method, string class  2nd  3rd  4th 
IndexOutOfRangeException exception  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
inequality operator (!=)
    comparing pointers with 
    overriding  2nd  3rd 
    Set class  2nd 
inheritance hierarchies, of types in assemblies 
InnerException property, TargetInvocationException exception 
InnerXML property, XmlElement class 
INotificationCallbacks interface 
input/output  [See files]
Insert method
    string class 
    StringBuilder class 
InsertIntoArray method 
InstallException exception 
instance methods, when to use  2nd 
int data type 
    callbacks provided with 
    implementing polymorphism with 
    members in, finding 
    polymorphism implemented with  2nd 
    searching, advanced mechanisms for 
Intern method, string class 
intern pool 
InternedStrCls class 
    accessing through proxy 
    reading XML data from 
intersection of set objects  2nd  3rd  4th 
IntersectionOf method, Set class  2nd 
InvalidCastException exception  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
InvalidComObjectException exception 
InvalidEnumArgumentException exception  2nd  3rd 
InvalidFilterCriteriaException exception 
InvalidOleVariantTypeException exception 
InvalidOperationException exception  2nd  3rd  4th 
InvalidPathChars field, Path class  2nd 
InvalidProgramException exception 
InvokeEveryOther method 
InvokeInReverse method 
IOException exception  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
IP address
    converting host name to 
    regular expression patterns for 
    resolving to host name 
IPHostEntry class 
is operator
    determining variable's type with 
    when to use 
IsApproximatelyEqualTo method 
IsCharEqual method 
IsCompleted property  2nd  3rd 
IsDefined method, Enum class 
IsEven method 
IsGranted method, SecurityManager class 
IsInRange method 
IsIntegerRegEx method 
IsInterned method, string class 
IsMatch method, Regex class 
IsNumeric method 
IsNumericFromTryParse method 
IsNumericRegEx method 
IsOdd method 
IsolatedStorageException exception 
IsProcessResponding method 
IsSafeToConvert method 
IsSubclassOf method, Type class 
IsSubsetOf method, Set class  2nd 
IsSupersetOf method, Set class  2nd 
isThreadAvailable method  2nd 
IsUnsignedIntegerRegEx method 
italic text used in this book 
iterator design pattern 

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