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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

dangling pointers 
dash (-)
    in regular expression patterns 
    on command line 
data  [See also files]
    controlling and tracking access to 
    encrypting  [See encryption]
    isolated storage of 
    securely storing 
    synchronizing reading and writing by multiple threads 
    thread-specific, storing privately 
data types
    casting  [See casting]
    collections restricted to specific data type 
    conversions between  2nd  [See also specific data types]
    hash codes for 
    of variables, determining with is operator 
    simple  2nd 
date/time values, conversions to  2nd 
dates, regular expression patterns for 
DateTime object, creating 
DblQueue class  2nd 
DeadLock class 
deadlocks, preventing 
Debug class  2nd  [See also Trace class]
    Assert method 
    interchanging with Trace class 
debugging  2nd  [See also tracing]
    configuring to break on exceptions 
    enabling for specific components 
decimal data type 
decorator design pattern 
Decrypt method, CryptoString class 
deep copying  2nd 
DeepClone class 
    converting Celsius to Fahrenheit 
    converting Fahrenheit to Celsius 
    converting radians to 
    converting to radians 
DelegateCallback method  2nd 
        exceptions thrown by 
        notification of completion 
        timing out 
    callbacks implemented by  2nd 
    compared to dynamic invocation using reflection 
    for keyboard hook callback 
    MemberFilter delegate 
        controlling delegates executed in 
        handling exceptions for each delegate in 
        invocation list for 
        return values from each delegate in 
    synchronous, converting to asynchronous 
    TypeFilter delegate 
DelegateUtilities class  2nd  3rd 
Delete method
    Directory class 
    DirectoryInfo class 
    File class 
    FileInfo class 
Demand method  2nd 
DemonstrateRenameDir method 
DeMorgan's Theorem 
DepthFirstSearch method
    BinaryTreeNode class  2nd 
    NTreeNode class  2nd 
DequeueHead method, DblQueue class 
DequeueLargest method, PriorityQueue class  2nd 
DequeueSmallest method, PriorityQueue class  2nd 
DequeueTail method, DblQueue class 
derived classes, overriding methods in, listing 
design patterns
    adapter design pattern  2nd 
    books about  2nd 
    decorator design pattern 
    dispose design pattern 
    façade design pattern 
    iterator design pattern 
    memento design pattern 
    observer design pattern 
    proxy design pattern  2nd 
    simple factory design pattern 
    singleton design pattern  2nd 
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides)  2nd 
DetectXMLChanges method 
DevPartner Profiler Community Edition 
DevPartner Studio Professional Edition 
dictionary collections 
difference of set objects  2nd  3rd  4th 
DifferenceOf method, Set class  2nd 
digit, determining if character is 
digital signatures, for assemblies 
directories  [See also files]
    creating  2nd 
    deleting  2nd 
    determining if it exists  2nd 
    monitoring for changes to 
    moving  2nd 
    not existing when creating file 
    not found, exceptions for 
    searching for, using wildcards 
    timestamps of, manipulating 
    waiting for changes to 
Directory class 
    CreateDirectory method 
    Delete method 
    Exists method 
    GetCreationTime method 
    GetDirectories method  2nd  3rd  4th 
    GetFiles method  2nd 
    GetFileSystemEntries method  2nd  3rd 
    GetLastAccessTime method 
    GetLastWriteTime method 
    Move method  2nd 
    SetCreationTime method 
    SetLastAccessTime method 
    SetLastWriteTime method 
directory trees, retrieving and manipulating 
DirectoryInfo class 
    Attributes property 
    Create method 
    creating instance of 
    CreationTime property  2nd 
    Delete method 
    GetDirectories method  2nd  3rd  4th 
    GetFiles method 
    GetFileSystemInfos method  2nd  3rd  4th 
    LastAccessTime property  2nd 
    LastWriteTime property  2nd 
    MoveTo method  2nd 
DirectoryInfoNotify class  2nd 
DirectoryInfoObserver class  2nd 
DirectoryNotFoundException exception  2nd  3rd 
disassembler tool 
DisplayDirAttr method 
DisplayDirs method  2nd  3rd  4th 
DisplayException method 
DisplayFileAttr method 
DisplayFiles method  2nd 
DisplayFilesDirs method  2nd  3rd  4th 
DisplayInheritanceHierarchyType method 
DisplayNestedTypes method 
DisplaySet method, Set class 
DisplayTypeHierarchy method  2nd 
dispose design pattern 
Dispose method  2nd 
Distributive Law 
DivideByZeroException exception 
DllNotFoundException exception 
Dns class, Resolve method  2nd 
dollar amounts, regular expression patterns for 
DOM model 
DoReversal method 
double data type  2nd 
double quotes (""), on command line 
DownloadData method, WebClient class 
DownloadFile method, WebClient class 
DTD, validating XML conformance to 
dump files, searching for 
DuplicateWaitObjectException exception 
DynamicInvoke method 

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