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C language, compared to C# 
C# in a Nutshell (O'Reilly) 
C# language 
    books about 
    specification for 
    web sites with sample code for  2nd 
C# Language Pocket Reference (O'Reilly) 
C++ language, compared to C# 
    for objects 
CalcHash method 
calculated hash algorithm 
calculations, ensuring correctness of 
CallbackAsyncDelegate method  2nd 
    delegates implementing  2nd 
    interfaces used for 
CallBackThroughIFace method  2nd 
CallCOMMethod method 
CallNextHookEx function 
CallSecureFunctionSafelyAndEfficiently method  2nd 
CannotUnloadAppDomainException exception 
Capacity property, StringBuilder class  2nd 
caret (^), on command line 
CAS (Code Access Security)  2nd 
case sensitivity
    comparing characters using 
    comparing strings using 
    searching for strings at head or tail of string using 
    searching for strings within strings using 
cast operator (( )) 
    as operator used for  2nd 
    cast operator (( )) used for 
    exceptions thrown as result of 
    is operator used for 
    predetermining success of, with is operator 
    to narrower data type 
catch blocks  [See also exception handling]2nd 
    multiple, handling exceptions individually 
    preventing unhandled exceptions with 
    within finally blocks 
CDATA nodes 
    converting Fahrenheit to 
    converting to Fahrenheit 
char data type  2nd 
    byte array of, converting to a string 
    case-sensitive or case-insensitive comparison of 
    comparison operators and 
    conversions to  2nd  3rd 
    ensuring maximum number in string 
    inserting into strings 
    iterating over characters in string 
    removing from head or tail of string 
    removing or replacing within a string 
    searching strings for  2nd 
    type of, determining 
    within a range, determining 
CharKind enumeration 
Check for Arithmetic Overflow/Underflow project property 
Check method, Balance class 
checked context  2nd 
checked keyword  2nd 
CheckPassword method  2nd 
CheckUserEnteredPath method 
Children property, NTreeNode class 
classes  [See also objects]
    abstract base classes 
    base classes 
    COM objects using 
    concrete classes 
    Equals method for, overloading 
    operating as union types 
    overridden methods in, listing 
    performance of 
    polymorphism for  2nd 
    represented as a string 
    sealed, adding events to 
    single instance of 
    static fields, initializing 
    when to use 
Clear method
    AsymmetricAlgorithm class 
    classes using 
    DblQueue class 
    MultiMap class  2nd 
    PriorityQueue class 
    SymmetricAlgorithm class 
client  [See web client]
ClientABC class 
Clone method
    DblQueue class 
    MultiMap class 
    PriorityQueue class 
    XmlNode class 
cloneable classes 
Close method 
CLS compliance
    ensuring compatibility with managed languages 
    simple types not conforming to 
CLSCompliantAttribute for assembly 
coarse-grained exception handling 
Code Access Security (CAS)  2nd 
Code Access Security in Practice (Microsoft Patterns & Practices Group) 
code samples 
    in this book, system requirements for 
    permission requirements 
    web sites for  2nd 
CollectionBase abstract base class 
    displaying values as a delimited string 
    persisting between application sessions 
    StackTrace class acting as 
    strongly typed (restricted to specific data type) 
    types of 
CollectionsUtil class 
COM components
    exceptions for  2nd 
    user-defined exceptions for 
    using C# classes 
COMException exception  2nd  3rd 
command-line parameters, parsing 
comment characters  2nd 
comments regarding this book 
Commutative Law 
CompanyData class  2nd 
CompanyDataSecProxy class  2nd 
CompanyDataTraceProxy class  2nd 
Compare method, string class  2nd 
CompareFileVersions method 
CompareHeight class 
CompareTo method 
comparison operators  [See also Equals method]
    characters used with 
    pointers and 
    Set objects used with  2nd 
    strings used with 
CompileToAssembly method, Regex class 
    /main switch 
    regular expressions 
ComplexReplace method 
component, as source for event log, determining 
ConcatStringGetHashCode method 
concrete classes, implementing polymorphism with 
conditional operator (?:), overloading 
ConditionalAttribute attribute 
configuration files  [See application configuration file machine configuration file]
configuration, exceptions for 
ConfigurationException exception 
console utilities, reading from and responding to 
const field 
constants, initializing at runtime 
    default, removing 
    overloaded, initializing objects with 
contact information for this book 
contained object cache algorithm 
ContainedObjHash method 
Container class 
Contains method
    ArrayList class 
    DblQueue class 
    PriorityQueue class  2nd 
    Set class 
    SortedList class 
Contains method, PriorityQueue class 
ContainsKey method
    MultiMap class  2nd 
    SortedList class 
ContainsString method, PriorityQueue class 
ContainsValue method
    MultiMap class  2nd 
    SortedList class 
ContextMarshalException exception 
control character, determining if character is 
conventions used in this book 
Convert class
    FromBase64CharArray method 
    ToBase64CharArray method 
    ToBoolean method 
    ToByte method 
    ToChar method 
    ToDateTime method 
    ToDecimal method 
    ToDouble method 
    ToInt16 method 
    ToInt32 method  2nd 
    ToInt64 method 
    ToSByte method 
    ToSingle method 
    ToString method 
    ToUInt16 method 
    ToUInt32 method 
    ToUInt64 method 
ConvertCollectionToDelStr method 
ConvertDegreesToRadians method 
ConvertObj method 
ConvertRadiansToDegrees method 
ConvertToASCIIStringSlow method 
ConvertToString method  2nd 
ConvertToStringSlow method 
Copy method
    Array class 
    File class 
CopyTo method
    DblQueue class 
    FileInfo class 
    ICollection interface 
    PriorityQueue class 
Cos method, Math class 
cosine function 
Count method, MultiMap class 
Count property
    DblQueue class 
    PriorityQueue class 
    Set class 
CountAll method 
CountChildren method
    BinaryTreeNode class 
    NTreeNode class 
CounterDelta32 counter 
CounterDelta64 counter 
CounterMultiTimer counter 
CounterMultiTimer100Ns counter 
CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse counter 
CounterMultiTimerInverse counter 
counters  [See performance counters]
CounterTimer counter 
CounterTimerInverse counter 
CountImmediateChildren method, NTreeNode class 
CountPerTimeInterval32 counter 
CountPerTimeInterval64 counter 
CRC (cyclic redundancy check) 
Create method
    DirectoryInfo class 
    File class  2nd 
    FileInfo class  2nd 
CreateAbsoluteUri method 
CreateAndHandlePoint method 
CreateComplexCounter method 
CreateDirectory method, Directory class 
CreateFile method 
CreateHashedPassword method  2nd  3rd 
CreateInternedStr method 
CreateLockedFile method 
CreateLogFile method 
CreateNestedObjects method 
CreateNode method, NTreeNodeFactory class  2nd 
CreatePoint method 
CreateRegExDLL method 
CreateSimpleCounter method 
CreateStringHash method  2nd  3rd 
CreateText method, File class 
CreationTime property
    DirectoryInfo class  2nd 
    FileInfo class  2nd 
credit card number, regular expression patterns for 
critical sections, locking objects against 
CryptographicException exception 
CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException exception 
cryptography  [See encryption security]
CryptoHash method  2nd 
CryptoHash method algorithm  2nd 
CryptoStream class 
CryptoString class  2nd 
    Decrypt method 
    Encrypt method 
    RdGenerateSecretInitVector method 
    RdGenerateSecretKey method 
CtoF method 
currency, formatting strings as 
CurrentValue property, NTreeNodeFactory class 
CustomAttributeFormatException exception  2nd 
cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 

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