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façade design pattern 
factory design pattern, simple 
    converting Celsius to 
    converting to Celsius 
FieldAccessException exception 
File class 
    AppendText method 
    Copy method 
    Create method  2nd 
    CreateText method 
    Delete method 
    Exists method  2nd 
    GetCreationTime method 
    GetLastAccessTime method 
    GetLastWriteTime method 
    Move method  2nd 
    Open method 
    OpenRead method 
    OpenText method 
    OpenWrite method 
    SetCreationTime method 
    SetLastAccessTime method 
    SetLastWriteTime method 
file handle, opening file from 
file streams, types of  2nd  [See also BinaryReader class; BinaryWriter class; FileStream class; StreamReader class; StreamWriter class]
FileAccess enumeration 
FileAttributes enumeration  2nd 
FileInfo class 
    AppendText method  2nd 
    Attributes property  2nd 
    CopyTo method 
    Create method  2nd 
    CreationTime property  2nd 
    Delete method 
    Exists method 
    GetFiles method  2nd  3rd 
    LastAccessTime property  2nd 
    LastWriteTime property  2nd 
    MoveTo method  2nd 
    Open method 
    OpenRead method 
    OpenText method 
    OpenWrite method 
FileLoadException exception 
FileMode enumeration 
FileNotFoundException exception  2nd  3rd  4th 
files  [See also directories]
    attributes for  2nd  3rd  4th 
    counting lines of text in 
    creating  2nd  3rd 
    determining whether it exists 
    encrypting and decrypting 
    EOL character in, platform-independent 
    linefeed character in  [See linefeed character]
    loading, exceptions generated by 
    locking portions of 
    monitoring for changes to 
    not found, exception for 
    opening for reading and/or writing 
    opening from file handle 
    persisting collections to, between application sessions 
    reading  2nd 
    regular expression pattern for path name 
    returning all lines in an ArrayList 
    searching for, using wildcards 
    seeking (randomly accessing) 
    timestamp of, manipulating  2nd 
    waiting for changes to 
    writing to  2nd 
    writing to multiple files at one time 
FileShare enumeration 
FileStream class  2nd 
    creating instance of  2nd 
    creating instance of, from file handle 
    Lock method 
    Read method 
    ReadByte method 
    Seek method 
    Unlock method 
    Write method 
    WriteByte method 
FileSystemWatcher class  2nd 
    as alternative to DirectoryInfoNotify class 
    properties of 
    WaitForChanged method  2nd 
FileVersionInfo class  2nd 
FilteredArrayList class 
FilteringOutputObtainingMembers method 
finally blocks  [See also exception handling]2nd 
    catch blocks within 
    for each delegate in multicast delegate 
    not losing exceptions with 
    preventing unhandled exceptions with 
FindAll method 
FindAllIllegalChars method 
FindAllOccurrences method 
FindAnEntryInEventLog method 
FindAny method 
FindAnyIllegalChars method 
FindIFaceMemberInAssembly method 
FindInArray method 
FindInterfaces method, Type class  2nd 
FindMemberInAssembly method 
FindMembers method, Type class 
FindMethodOverrides method 
FindOccurrenceOf method 
FindOverriddenMethods method 
FindSerializable method 
FindSourceNamesFromAllLogs method 
FindSourceNamesFromLog method 
FindSpecificInterfaces method 
FindSubclassOfType method 
FindSubstrings method  2nd 
fine-grained exception handling 
FinishedProcessingGroup method, INotificationCallbacks interface 
FinishedProcessingSubGroup method, INotificationCallbacks interface 
fixed statement  2nd 
fixed-size arrays  2nd 
Flags attribute, enumerations 
flags, enumerations used as  [See also bit flags]2nd  3rd 
FlipBit method 
float data type  2nd 
floating-point values
    equality with fractions 
Floor method, Math class 
folding hash algorithm 
FoldingHash method 
fonts used in this book 
for loop, iterating over characters in string 
foreach loop
    iterating over characters in string using 
    iterating over interfaces with 
    nested, iterating across nested arrays of objects 
    polymorphic use of 
Format method, string class 
FormatException exception  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th 
formatting strings 
forms, simulating execution of 
fractions, equality with floating-point values 
FreeNamedDataSlot method, Thread class 
FromASCIIByteArray method 
FromBase64CharArray method, Convert class 
FromUnicodeByteArray method 
FtoC method 
FullTrust permission set  2nd 
FusionLog property 

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