I l@ve RuBoard

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

magic cookie 
mail destination (MD) records 
mail exchanger queries 
mail exchangers 
    A records and 
    canonical domain name and 
mail forwarder (MF) records 
mail routing 
    loops, avoiding  2nd 
maintain-ixfr-base substatement 
maintenance category 
maintenance intervals 
malformed response message 
many-answers format 
    address-to-name  2nd 
    h2n utility for  [See h2n utility]
    network names and numbers 
master files  [See zone data files]
master server  [See primary master name server]
masters substatement 
match-clients view substatement 
max-ncache-ttl options substatement 
max-refresh-time substatement 
max-retry-time substatement\\ 
max-transfer-idle-in substatement 
max-transfer-idle-out substatement 
max-transfer-time-in substatement 
max-transfer-time-out substatement 
MB records  2nd 
MD and MF records 
MD records 
    changing data segment size and 
    domain name storage and 
    resource limits and 
memory utilization 
message compression, resource record data and 
message digests 
message format 
messages  [See also error messages]
    format of  2nd  3rd 
        controlling (BIND 8/9) 
    logging (BIND 8/9) 
    Perl objects for 
MF records 
MG records  2nd 
Microsoft  [See entries at Windows]
mil domain 
min-refresh-time substatement 
min-retry-time substatement 
MINFO records 
    cache data 
    PTR records 
    subdomain delegation 
Mockapetris, Paul
    design of DNS and 
    JEEVES implementation of DNS and 
    RFC 1035 and 
Modify Tool 
MR records 
mtime (Unix file modification time) 
multihomed hosts  2nd 
    address sorting and 
multiple-cnames substatement 
MX records  2nd  3rd 
    email and firewalls 
    performance limitation of 
    query statistics for 
    vs. RT records 
    sendmail and 

I l@ve RuBoard