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name collisions 
    ACLs and 
name daemon controller (ndc) 
name field (resource records) 
name resolution  [See resolution]
name server library routines 
name server queries 
name server records  [See NS records]
name servers  2nd 
    accessing  [See resolvers]
        to NOTIFY lists 
        tips for where to locate 
        choosing among 
        running over dial-on-demand 
    backup name servers 
    bogus, avoiding 
    capacity planning for 
    closest known 
    compatibility with resolvers 
    configuring hosts to use 
    control messages, configuring to listen for 
    debugging information about
        command for 
    disabled UDP checksums and 
    finding for root zone 
    halting, command for 
    how many to run, guidelines for 
    initializing (debugging example) 
    internal database, command for copying 
    lame  [See lame delegation]
    limiting query frequency 
    local, configuring 
    maintenance for 
    master  [See primary master name server]
    mimicking queries with nslookup 
    multiple, nslookup and 
    network preferences for 
    NS records and 
    options for 
    overworked, how to handle 
    primary master  [See primary master name server]
    queried by resolver 
    reconfiguring, command for 
    reloading, command for 
    resolvers without 
    restarting, command for 
    restricted (forward-only) 
    root  [See root name servers]2nd  [See root name servers]
    root command and 
    roundtrip time and 
    running two in one 
    security for  [See security]
    selecting for resolver 
    setting up 
        more than one, importance of 
    slave  [See slave name servers]2nd  [See slave name servers]
    starting, command for 
    statistics on
        command for 
    status information, command for printing 
    stopping/resuming, command for  2nd 
    switching with nslookup 
    time spent running 
    troubleshooting, no response from 
    two running concurrently, syslog messages and 
    types of 
    upgrading BIND and 
    where to run them 
name-to-address mapping  2nd  3rd  4th 
    A6 records and 
    dynamic update and 
    for IPv6 addresses 
named (name server daemon) 
    syslog messages emitted by 
named boot file, /etc/named.boot file 
named-bootconf utility 
named manual page, finding server executable in 
named-xfer utility  2nd 
    changing location of 
named.boot file, /etc/named.boot file 
named.conf file
    /etc/named.conf file  2nd 
        modifying on slave name server host 
    bastion host and 
    for caching-only name servers 
    distinguishing primary master name server from slave name server in 
    key statement, adding to 
    for partial-slave name servers 
    for running two name servers in one file 
    changing location of 
named.root file  [See root hints file] file  2nd 
named.stats file 
    changing location of 
    statistics dumped into
        BIND 4.9 and 8 
        BIND 9 
named_dump.db file 
    changing location of 
namedroppers mailing list 
    updated root hints file sent to 
nameserver directive  2nd  3rd 
    dividing up, guidelines for 
    split vs. shadow 
naming conventions for subdomain names 
ncache category 
ndc (name daemon controller)  2nd 
    commands. equivalents for signals (list) 
ndots option 
ndots setting 
negative caching  2nd  3rd 
negative caching TTL value 
negative_timeout option 
net domain 
Net\:\:DNS Perl module 
    TSIG-signed dynamic updates and 
netgroups file 
netsvc.conf file 
Network File System (NFS) 
Network Information Center  [See NIC]
Network Information Service  [See NIS]2nd  [See NIS]
network interface interval 
network masks 
network names 
network numbers 
network registries 
Network Solutions Inc.
    registration fees charged by 
    as registry and registrar  2nd 
network time protocol (NTP) 
network unreachable message 
    resolvers and 
networks  [See also connectivity]
    /24 network, subnetting  2nd 
    checking registration of 
    ISDN  2nd 
    sending email across specific 
    specifying with sortlist directive 
    subnetted/subnetting  2nd 
        address sorting and 
        on/off octet boundaries 
    for BIND 
    information about security vulnerabilities 
Next-Level Aggregators (NLAs) 
NFS (Network File System) 
NIC (Network Information Center)  2nd 
NIS (Network Information Service)  2nd 
    domains in 
    nslookup and 
    SunOS 4.x, using without 
NIS domainname 
NIS Makefile 
NLAs (Next-Level Aggregators) 
No NS Record for SOA MNAME message 
no PTR data for 
no response from server message 
no root name servers for class message 
no-check-names option 
no-fetch-glue option  2nd  3rd 
no-recursion option  2nd  3rd 
nod2 option (nslookup) 
nodebug option (nslookup) 
nodefname option (nslookup) 
noexpired flag 
noignoretc option (nslookup) 
non-octet boundaries, subnetting on 
nonauthoritative nslookup answers 
none (named address match list) 
nonexistent domain message 
nonrecursive name servers 
nonrecursive queries  2nd 
    SOA records and 
nonrecursive resolution  [See iterative resolution]
norecurse option (nslookup) 
nosearch option (nslookup)  2nd 
NOTFOUND condition 
notice severity 
notify category 
NOTIFY feature (BIND 8/9)
    propagation time and 
NOTIFY messages
    address sent from 
    announcements/responses and 
    sending to alternate ports 
notify-source substatement 
notify-source-v6 substatement 
notrace command 
novc option (nslookup) 
NS records  2nd 
    no NS records for SOA MNAME message and 
    order of in zone data files 
    query statistics for 
ns_get32 routine 
ns_init_parse routine 
ns_msg_count routine 
ns_msg_get_flag routine 
ns_msg_id routine 
ns_name_compress routine 
ns_name_skip routine 
ns_name_uncompress routine 
ns_parserr routine 
ns_put32 routine 
ns_update( ) resolver routine 
NSAP records, query statistics for 
nscd daemon 
nsd daemon 
NSFNET network 
NSFNET traffic reports 
nslookup utility  2nd 
    CNAME records, looking up 
    vs. dig utility 
    ending session of 
    finding out what is looked up 
    interactive vs. noninteractive 
    inverse queries and 
    IP addresses, looking up with 
    mimicking name servers 
    option settings for 
    shell script programming 
    SOA record, finding with 
    subdomains, searching for with 
    switching name servers with 
    tasks performed with 
        primary master name server with 
        slave name server with 
    top-level domains, examining structure of with 
    troubleshooting problems with 
    using dig utility instead of 
NSORDER environment variable 
nsswitch.conf file  2nd  3rd 
    Linux and 
NSTATS messages 
nsupdate utility 
    TSIG-signed dynamic updates and 
NTP (network time protocol) 
null channel 
null keys 
null label 
NULL records 
nxdomain statistic 
nxrrset statistic 
NXT record 

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