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packet category 
packet filters 
panic category 
parent domains  2nd  [See also domains]
    contacting administrator of 
parent-level aliases 
parent zones, contacting administrators of 
parentheses ()
    grouping data 
    in SOA records 
    guidelines for 
    highlights of 
    subdomains and
        creating domain 
        transitioning to 
parser category 
parsing DNS responses 
partial-slave name servers 
    benefits of 
    registering name servers and 
    for HP-UX 
    for IRIX 
peak periods of activity, monitoring 
    avoiding bogus name servers and 
    capacity planning and 
    connectivity loss  2nd 
    debugging levels and 
    DNSSEC and 
    mail exchangers and 
    monitoring name servers 
    MX records and 
    queries per second 
    round robin load distribution and 
    system tuning and 
    TTL and 
    zone transfers, improving efficiency of 
    h2n utility written in 
    Net\:\:DNS module, programming with utility written in 
ping utility 
    rotate option and 
pointer queries 
pointer records  [See PTR records]
port option (nslookup) 
port unreachable message  2nd 
    resolvers and 
postmaster as email address 
pound sign (#) starting comments 
    in resolv.conf file 
power outages 
preference values 
    discarding MX records and 
    increments for 
prereq commands (nsupdate) 
preventing disasters  [See troubleshooting, preventing and handling disasters]
primaries  [See primary master name servers]
primary configuration file line (BIND4)  2nd 
primary directive 
primary master  [See primary master name server]
primary master name server  2nd 
    BIND configuration file for (example) 
    forgetting to signal 
    forwarders and 
    primary master vs. slave 
    reloading, command for 
    slave name servers and 
        when running large numbers of 
    starting up 
    testing with nslookup 
    unreachable message and 
process IDs 
    command for printing 
processing email 
processor load 
programming resolvers 
    with Perl 
    with C programming 
programs, obtaining examples of 
propagation time 
proprietary WINS records 
provide-ixfr server substatement 
ps command 
PTR records  2nd 
    Looked for PTR, Found CNAME message and 
    missing  2nd 
    order of in zone data files 
    query statistics for 
public key cryptography 
PX records 

I l@ve RuBoard