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sample programs, obtaining 
SAns statistic  2nd 
SDupQ statistic 
search algorithm 
search directive  2nd  3rd 
search list 
    nslookup and 
        avoiding with 
search option (nslookup) 
    exhaustive database  [See inverse queries]
    for IP addresses 
    us domain name space 
second-level domains  [See also domains; subdomains]2nd 
    names of 
secondary directive 
secondary master name servers  [See slave name servers]
secondary statements, adding 
secure_zone records 
    BIND and
        features of 
        patches for 
    choosing hosts and 
    firewalls and 
    for name servers 
    queries, restricting 
    refused queries and 
    resolvers and 
    response from unexpected source message 
    vulnerabilities of 
    zone data, importance of backups for 
    zone transfers, preventing unauthorized 
security category 
security roots 
semicolon (;) starting comments  2nd  3rd  4th 
    in resolv.conf file 
    class w and 
    DNS and 
    resource records and 
    rotate option and file  2nd 
sendto() system calls 
sequence space arithmetic 
serial numbers 
    dynamic update and 
    nslookup and 
    setting new 
    SOA serial# message and 
    unincremented  2nd 
    for zone data 
serial-queries substatement 
SErr statistic 
server command (nslookup) 
    bogus servers and 
server executable, finding location of in manual pages 
SERVFAIL errors 
SERVFAIL responses 
set all command (nslookup)  2nd 
set command (nslookup) 
setrlimit() system calls, cannot set resource limits message and 
setting up
    BIND configuration file 
    slave name servers 
severities, list of 
SFail statistic 
SFErr statistic 
SFwdQ statistic 
SFwdR statistic 
shadow namespace 
shell script programming 
shortcuts for zone data files 
    examples illustrating 
shuffle address records 
sibling nodes, domain name labels and 
SIG record 
    to primary server, forgetting 
        control channels instead of 
Silicon Graphics  [See IRIX]
slash (/) indicating Unix filesystem root  2nd 
slave directive 
slave name servers  2nd  [See also partial-slave name servers]
    adding  2nd 
        caution with 
    backups of zone data for, importance of 
    checking zone (debugging example) 
    forwarders and 
    loading from other slaves 
    outages and 
    vs. primary master name server 
    reloading, command for 
    setting up 
        example of 
    starting up 
    testing with nslookup 
    unable to load zone data 
slave zones, command for maintaining 
SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) 
SNaAns statistic 
SNXD statistic 
SOA records  2nd  3rd  4th 
    @ notation in 
    changing values in 
    finding for subdomains 
    getting serial numbers for
        sample program in C 
        sample program in Perl 
    incrementing serial numbers and 
    no NS records for 
    order of in zone data files 
    queries, limiting number of 
    query statistics for 
    TTL and 
    values for 
        RFC 1537 recommendation for 
SOA serial# message 
socket descriptors utility 
        obtaining  2nd 
    choosing hosts and 
    networking, included with Unix operating system 
Solaris 2.x, configuring resolvers for 
sortlist directive  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
sortlist substatement 
source code for BIND, obtaining  2nd 
sources of host information, checking 
space as resource record name 
spcl.DOMAIN file 
special option 
split namespace 
SRI-NIC host 
SRV records 
SSysQ statistic 
stack size limit, changing 
start command 
start of authority records  [See SOA records]
    primary master name server 
    slave name servers 
starting message  2nd 
startup files, editing  2nd 
states, domains named after  2nd 
    analyzing for overworked name servers 
    understanding content of 
statistics category 
statistics interval 
stats command 
status command 
stderr channel 
stop command 
stub directive 
stub resolvers  2nd 
stub zones 
subdomains  2nd  3rd  [See also domains; parenting]
    contacting administrator of  2nd 
    control statement and 
    delegating  2nd  3rd 
        checking for conformance 
        octet boundaries and 
    vs. domains and zones 
    guidelines for implementing 
    how many to implement 
    how to read domain and 
    names for, choosing 
    registering, cost of 
    searching for with nslookup 
    size of, parenting and 
    SOA record, finding for 
subnets, specifying with sortlist directive 
subnetting/subnetted networks  2nd 
    address sorting and 
    on/off octet boundaries 
SUCCESS condition 
success statistic 
successful lookups (debugging example) 
Sun  [See Solaris 2.x SunOS 4.x]
SunOS 4.x 
    configuring resolvers for 
support-ixfr substatement 
svc.conf file 
svcsetup utility 
    for domain directive  2nd 
    for search directive  2nd 
syntax errors  2nd  3rd 
    in resolv.conf file 
    SERVFAIL responses and 
    queries performed with
        command for 
    running before starting name server 
syslog channels 
syslog file
    checking for error messages
        example of 
        primary master name server and 
        slave name server and 
    statistics written to 
syslog messages 
    checking for
        primary master name server and 
        slave name server and 
    logging (BIND 8/9) 
syslogd manual page 
system administrators 
system calls
system files, changing location of (BIND 8/9) 
System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) 
system queries 
system tuning 

I l@ve RuBoard