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zero address 
zero-valued serial number 
zone change notification  [See DNS NOTIFY]
zone data
    adding to zone data files 
    on bastion host, protecting 
    importance of backups for slave name servers 
zone data files  2nd 
    abbreviations/shortcuts for 
        examples illustrating 
    contents of (examples) 
    creating, example of 
    default origin for, changing 
    dynamic update and 
    format of 
    generating from host tables 
    h2n utility for creating 
    including name server addresses in (example) 
    location of indicated in BIND configuration file 
    setting up data in 
    syntax errors in 
    zone data, adding to 
zone data warning message 
zone statements  2nd  3rd 
    zone allow-transfer 
zone transfer denied message 
zone transfers  2nd 
    backups and 
    child processes and 
    dig utility and, performing transfers with 
    improving efficiency of 
    incremental, BIND 8/9 support for 
    nslookup, performing transfers with  2nd 
    preventing unauthorized 
    proprietary WINS records and 
    testing manually 
    testing with named-xfer  [See named-xfer utility]
    unreachable message and 
zones  2nd 
    change notification for  [See DNS NOTIFY]
    checked by name server (debugging example) 
    checking delegation  2nd 
    contacting administrator about 
    creating subdomains in 
    vs. domains 
    Internet connection and 
    looking up names in with nslookup 
    out of zone resource records 
    refresh interval for, increasing 
        cost of 
    RP record for 
    sample of 
    security and  [See security]
    serial number for, setting new 
    SOA record for 
    technical contact for 
    unable to load zone data  2nd 

I l@ve RuBoard