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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

tab as resource record name 
table of counts 
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
    application gateways and 
    Virtual Circuits and  2nd 
TCP sockets, sending messages across with ndc 
TCP/IP protocol 
    nslookup and 
telnet, search list and 
temporary root name servers 
TERM signal 
text queries 
third-level domains, choosing 
time synchronization, TSIG and 
time to live  [See TTL]
timeout option 
    nslookup and  2nd 
    resolver queries and 
TIS Firewall Toolkit 
TLAs (Top-Level Aggregators) 
TLDs  [See top-level domains]
too many open files message  2nd 
Top-Level Aggregators (TLAs) 
top-level domains (TLDs)  2nd  [See also gTLDs]3rd 
        for international domains 
    examining structure of with nslookup 
    generic  [See gTLDs]
    list of 
    subdomain names and 
top utility 
topology, name server preferences and 
trace command 
    root name servers and 
    affecting SRI-NIC host 
trailing dot (.)  2nd 
    in domain names  2nd 
        importance of not omitting 
    local domain name written without 
trailing spaces, BIND resolver and 
transaction signatures  [See TSIG]
transfer-format substatement 
transfer-source substatement 
transfer-source-v6 substatement  2nd 
transfers-in substatement  2nd 
transfers-per-ns substatement  2nd  3rd 
translating  [See mapping]
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol  [See TCP/IP protocol]
transmission order 
troubleshooting  [See also debugging; performance]2nd 
    BIND 8/9 and 
    checking delegation 
    corrupted cache 
    debugging output and  [See debugging]
    dig utility 
    interoperability problems 
    NIS problems 
    potential problems (list) 
    preventing and handling disasters 
    problem symptoms and 
    tools and techniques for 
    TSIG errors 
Tru64 Unix configuring resolvers for 
truncated packets 
Trusted Information Systems 
TRYAGAIN condition 
TSIG (transaction signatures) 
TSIG record 
TSIG-signed dynamic update 
    Windows2000 and 
TTL (time to live) 
    configuring limits for 
    default  2nd 
        BIND 8/9 and 
        setting for zones 
    negative caching TTL value 
    root hints data and 
    round robin load distribution and 
TXT records  2nd 
    query statistics for 
    secure_zone records and 

I l@ve RuBoard