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noun, person, phrase, formal
His Royal Highness Prince or Her Royal Highness Princess who is not in charge of any departments in the Thai Royal government
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Royal Thai General System
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  " พระชานุ "
noun, formal
[พระชานุ] [royalty] knee

" พระทรง "
verb, transitive, formal
[พระทรง] [royal] [a verb used in front of some nouns to indicate the state of being a "king"]

" พระธรรมวินัย "
[พระธรรมวินัย] disipline practiced by Buddhist monks

" พระนารายณ์ "
proper noun
[พระนารายณ์] [Hinduism] Narayana (Vishnu), another name for รามา  (Rama), the hero of the Ramayana epic

" พระบรมสารีริกธาตุ "
Relics of the Buddha

" พระพรหม "
proper noun
[พระพรหม] [Hinduism] Lord Brahma—(in later Hinduism) “the Creator,” the first member of the ตรีมูรติ (Trimurti), with พระวิษณุ (Vishnu the Preserver) and พระศิวะ (Siva the Destroyer)

" พระเพลา "
[พระเพลา] legs; thighs; lap [royal word]

" พระยุพราช "
noun, phrase, archaic
the Crown Prince

" พระราชบัลลังก์ "
royal throne

" พระราม "
proper noun, person
[พระราม] Rama, the hero character in the Ramayana epic, believed to be the avatar of พระนารายณ์

" พระเสโท "
noun, formal
[พระเสโท] [royalty] persperation

" พระชนม "
[alternate spelling of พระชนม์]

" พระบาทสมเด็จพระมงกุฎเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว "
proper noun
King Rama VI - Vajiravudh - reigned from 1910 to 1925

" พระองค์ "
proper noun, person, formal, loanword, Khmer
His Magesty; the 3rd Person Pronoun for the Lord Buddha, the King, royalty, divine being, chief deity, the Lord Jesus Christ (พระเยซู), Mother Mary (พระแม่มารี) and other world's religious leaders/founders
classifier, Khmer
[numerical classifier for kings, queens and royal family members]

" พรำ "
[is] drizzling
verb, intransitive
to drizzle; sprinkle
[พรำ ๆ] [of rain] in a drizzle; in continuous, fine drops

" พรินต์ "
[alternate spelling of ปริ๊นต์]

" พฤติกรรม "
behavior; conduct (what one does or what one says)

" พลร่ม "
noun, figurative, colloquial
unregistered voters brought in to vote

" พลอยฟ้าพลอยฝน "
adjective, verb, phrase
to get someone into trouble; [is] involved (in); become mixed up with

" พลั้งเผลอ "
verb, intransitive
to be careless; to err; to slip-up

" พลิกคว่ำ "
invert; turn over

" พวกป่วน "
a group of agitators

" พหูพจน์ "
noun, plural, phrase, formal, loanword, Pali
[grammar] plural number

" พอสมควร "
impressively, quite, a good or reasonable amount, fairly, to some extent

" พ้อง "
adjective, adverb
[is] synonymous; alike-sounding; identical; in agreement; coincident; simultaneous; allied

" พักรบ "
to stop warring; cease fire

" พันปีหลวง "
noun, proper noun, person, phrase, formal
queen dowager

" พากัน "
to do something together

" พายุสุริยะ "
solar storm

" พิชิตมงกุฎ "
to win the crown; be crowned as; win top prize in a contest