| | Copyright |
| | Preface |
| | Audience |
| | Contents of This Book |
| | Assumptions This Book Makes |
| | Conventions Used in This Book |
| | Related Books |
| | C# Resources Online |
| | How to Contact Us |
| | How the Quick Reference Is Generated |
| | Acknowledgments |
| |
Part I:
Programming with C# |
| |
Chapter 1.
Introducing C# and the .NET Framework |
| |
Section 1.1.
The C# Language |
| |
Section 1.2.
The .NET Framework |
| |
Section 1.3.
ECMA Standardization |
| |
Section 1.4.
Changes in Visual C# 2003 |
| |
Chapter 2.
C# Language Basics |
| |
Section 2.1.
A First C# Program |
| |
Section 2.2.
Identifiers and Keywords |
| |
Section 2.3.
Type Basics |
| |
Section 2.4.
Value Types and Reference Types |
| |
Section 2.5.
Predefined Types |
| |
Section 2.6.
Arrays |
| |
Section 2.7.
Variables and Parameters |
| |
Section 2.8.
Expressions and Operators |
| |
Section 2.9.
Statements |
| |
Section 2.10.
Namespaces |
| |
Chapter 3.
Creating Types in C# |
| |
Section 3.1.
Classes |
| |
Section 3.2.
Inheritance |
| |
Section 3.3.
Access Modifiers |
| |
Section 3.4.
Structs |
| |
Section 3.5.
Interfaces |
| |
Section 3.6.
Enums |
| |
Chapter 4.
Advanced C# Features |
| |
Section 4.1.
Delegates |
| |
Section 4.2.
Delegates Versus Function Pointers |
| |
Section 4.3.
Delegates Versus Interfaces |
| |
Section 4.4.
Events |
| |
Section 4.5.
Operator Overloading |
| |
Section 4.6.
Try Statements and Exceptions |
| |
Section 4.7.
Attributes |
| |
Section 4.8.
Unsafe Code and Pointers |
| |
Section 4.9.
Preprocessor Directives |
| |
Section 4.10.
XML Documentation |
| |
Part II:
Programming with the .NET Framework |
| |
Chapter 5.
Framework Class Library Overview |
| |
Section 5.1.
Core Types |
| |
Section 5.2.
Text |
| |
Section 5.3.
Collections |
| |
Section 5.4.
Streams and I/O |
| |
Section 5.5.
Networking |
| |
Section 5.6.
Threading |
| |
Section 5.7.
Security |
| |
Section 5.8.
Reflection and Metadata |
| |
Section 5.9.
Assemblies |
| |
Section 5.10.
Serialization |
| |
Section 5.11.
Remoting |
| |
Section 5.12.
Web Services |
| |
Section 5.13.
Data Access |
| |
Section 5.14.
| |
Section 5.15.
Graphics |
| |
Section 5.16.
Rich Client Applications |
| |
Section 5.17.
Web-Based Applications |
| |
Section 5.18.
Globalization |
| |
Section 5.19.
Configuration |
| |
Section 5.20.
Advanced Component Services |
| |
Section 5.21.
Diagnostics and Debugging |
| |
Section 5.22.
Interoperating with Unmanaged Code |
| |
Section 5.23.
Compiler and Tool Support |
| |
Section 5.24.
Runtime Facilities |
| |
Section 5.25.
Native OS Facilities |
| |
Section 5.26.
Undocumented Types |
| |
Chapter 6.
String Handling |
| |
Section 6.1.
String Class |
| |
Section 6.2.
StringBuilder Class |
| |
Section 6.3.
Regular Expression Support |
| |
Section 6.4.
Regular Expression Basics |
| |
Section 6.5.
Procedural- and Expression-Based Patterns |
| |
Section 6.6.
Cookbook Regular Expressions |
| |
Chapter 7.
Collections |
| |
Section 7.1.
Iterating Over Collections |
| |
Section 7.2.
Standard Collection Interfaces |
| |
Section 7.3.
Predefined Collection Classes |
| |
Section 7.4.
Ordering Instances |
| |
Section 7.5.
Generating Hash Code |
| |
Chapter 8.
| |
Section 8.1.
Accessing XML Documents |
| |
Section 8.2.
Parsing an XML Stream |
| |
Section 8.3.
Selecting Nodes Using XPath |
| |
Section 8.4.
Transforming a Document Using XSLT |
| |
Chapter 9.
Networking |
| |
Section 9.1.
Network Programming Models |
| |
Section 9.2.
Generic Request/Response Architecture |
| |
Section 9.3.
HTTP-Specific Support |
| |
Section 9.4.
WebClient |
| |
Section 9.5.
Adding New Protocol Handlers |
| |
Section 9.6.
Using TCP, UDP, and Sockets |
| |
Section 9.7.
Using DNS |
| |
Chapter 10.
Streams and I/O |
| |
Section 10.1.
Streams and Backing Stores |
| |
Section 10.2.
Encapsulating Raw Streams |
| |
Section 10.3.
Directories and Files |
| |
Section 10.4.
Isolated Storage |
| |
Chapter 11.
Serialization |
| |
Section 11.1.
What Is Serialization? |
| |
Section 11.2.
Serialization Support in the Framework |
| |
Section 11.3.
Explicit Serialization |
| |
Section 11.4.
Implicit Serialization |
| |
Section 11.5.
[Serializable] |
| |
Section 11.6.
[NonSerialized] |
| |
Section 11.7.
IDeserializationCallback |
| |
Section 11.8.
ISerializable |
| |
Section 11.9.
[Serializable] and ISerializable |
| |
Chapter 12.
Assemblies |
| |
Section 12.1.
Elements of an Assembly |
| |
Section 12.2.
Assemblies and Modules |
| |
Section 12.3.
Scoping Types and Type References |
| |
Section 12.4.
Naming and Signing Assemblies |
| |
Section 12.5.
Resolving and Loading Assemblies |
| |
Section 12.6.
Deployment |
| |
Section 12.7.
Security Permissions |
| |
Chapter 13.
Reflection |
| |
Section 13.1.
Type Hierarchy |
| |
Section 13.2.
Types, Members, and Nested Types |
| |
Section 13.3.
Retrieving the Type for an Instance |
| |
Section 13.4.
Retrieving a Type Directly |
| |
Section 13.5.
Reflecting Over a Type Hierarchy |
| |
Section 13.6.
Late Binding |
| |
Section 13.7.
Advanced Uses of Reflection |
| |
Section 13.8.
Creating New Types at Runtime |
| |
Chapter 14.
Custom Attributes |
| |
Section 14.1.
Language Support |
| |
Section 14.2.
Compiler Support |
| |
Section 14.3.
Runtime Support |
| |
Section 14.4.
Predefined Attributes |
| |
Section 14.5.
Defining a New Custom Attribute |
| |
Section 14.6.
Retrieving a Custom Attribute at Runtime |
| |
Chapter 15.
Memory Management |
| |
Section 15.1.
The Garbage Collector |
| |
Section 15.2.
Optimization Techniques |
| |
Section 15.3.
Finalizers |
| |
Section 15.4.
Dispose and Close Methods |
| |
Chapter 16.
Threading |
| |
Section 16.1.
Thread Synchronization |
| |
Section 16.2.
Common Thread Types |
| |
Section 16.3.
Asynchronous Delegates |
| |
Chapter 17.
Integrating with Native DLLs |
| |
Section 17.1.
Calling Into DLLs |
| |
Section 17.2.
Marshaling Common Types |
| |
Section 17.3.
Marshaling Classes and Structs |
| |
Section 17.4.
In and Out Marshaling |
| |
Section 17.5.
Callbacks from Unmanaged Code |
| |
Section 17.6.
Simulating a C Union |
| |
Section 17.7.
Mapping a Struct to a Binary Format |
| |
Section 17.8.
Predefined Interop Support Attributes |
| |
Chapter 18.
Integrating with COM Components |
| |
Section 18.1.
Binding COM and C# Objects |
| |
Section 18.2.
Exposing COM Objects to C# |
| |
Section 18.3.
Exposing C# Objects to COM |
| |
Section 18.4.
COM Mapping in C# |
| |
Section 18.5.
Common COM Interop Support Attributes |
| |
Section 18.6.
COM+ Support |
| |
Chapter 19.
Diagnostics |
| |
Section 19.1.
Logging and Assertion Facilities |
| |
Section 19.2.
Conditional Compilation |
| |
Section 19.3.
Debugger Integration |
| |
Section 19.4.
Processes, Threads, and Stacks |
| |
Section 19.5.
Event Logs |
| |
Section 19.6.
Performance Counters |
| |
Chapter 20.
C# Language Reference |
| |
Part III:
Language and Tools Reference |
| |
Chapter 21.
XML Documentation Tag Reference |
| |
Chapter 22.
C# Naming and Coding Conventions |
| |
Section 22.1.
Case |
| |
Section 22.2.
Mechanics |
| |
Section 22.3.
Word Choice |
| |
Section 22.4.
Namespaces |
| |
Chapter 23.
C# Development Tools |
| | ADepends.exe |
| | Al.exe |
| | Cordbg.exe |
| | Csc.exe |
| | DbgCLR.exe |
| | GacUtil.exe |
| | ILasm.exe |
| | ILDasm.exe |
| | InstallUtil.exe |
| | Ngen.exe |
| | Nmake.exe |
| | PEVerify.exe |
| | RegAsm.exe |
| | RegSvcs.exe |
| | Sn.exe |
| | SoapSuds.exe |
| | TlbExp.exe |
| | TlbImp.exe |
| | Wsdl.exe |
| | WinCV.exe |
| | Xsd.exe |
| |
Part IV:
API Quick Reference |
| |
Chapter 24.
How to Use This Quick Reference |
| |
Section 24.1.
Finding a Quick-Reference Entry |
| |
Section 24.2.
Reading a Quick-Reference Entry |
| |
Chapter 25.
The Microsoft.Win32 Namespace |
| | PowerModeChangedEventArgs |
| | PowerModeChangedEventHandler |
| | PowerModes |
| | Registry |
| | RegistryHive |
| | RegistryKey |
| | SessionEndedEventArgs |
| | SessionEndedEventHandler |
| | SessionEndingEventArgs |
| | SessionEndingEventHandler |
| | SessionEndReasons |
| | SystemEvents |
| | TimerElapsedEventArgs |
| | TimerElapsedEventHandler |
| | UserPreferenceCategory |
| | UserPreferenceChangedEventArgs |
| | UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler |
| | UserPreferenceChangingEventArgs |
| | UserPreferenceChangingEventHandler |
| |
Chapter 26.
System |
| | Activator |
| | AppDomain |
| | AppDomainSetup |
| | AppDomainUnloadedException |
| | ApplicationException |
| | ArgIterator |
| | ArgumentException |
| | ArgumentNullException |
| | ArgumentOutOfRangeException |
| | ArithmeticException |
| | Array |
| | ArrayTypeMismatchException |
| | AssemblyLoadEventArgs |
| | AssemblyLoadEventHandler |
| | AsyncCallback |
| | Attribute |
| | AttributeTargets |
| | AttributeUsageAttribute |
| | BadImageFormatException |
| | BitConverter |
| | Boolean |
| | Buffer |
| | Byte |
| | CannotUnloadAppDomainException |
| | Char |
| | CharEnumerator |
| | CLSCompliantAttribute |
| | Console |
| | ContextBoundObject |
| | ContextMarshalException |
| | ContextStaticAttribute |
| | Convert |
| | CrossAppDomainDelegate |
| | DateTime |
| | DayOfWeek |
| | DBNull |
| | Decimal |
| | Delegate |
| | DivideByZeroException |
| | DllNotFoundException |
| | Double |
| | DuplicateWaitObjectException |
| | EntryPointNotFoundException |
| | Enum |
| | Environment |
| | Environment.SpecialFolder |
| | EventArgs |
| | EventHandler |
| | Exception |
| | ExecutionEngineException |
| | FieldAccessException |
| | FlagsAttribute |
| | FormatException |
| | GC |
| | Guid |
| | IAsyncResult |
| | ICloneable |
| | IComparable |
| | IConvertible |
| | ICustomFormatter |
| | IDisposable |
| | IFormatProvider |
| | IFormattable |
| | IndexOutOfRangeException |
| | Int16 |
| | Int32 |
| | Int64 |
| | IntPtr |
| | InvalidCastException |
| | InvalidOperationException |
| | InvalidProgramException |
| | IServiceProvider |
| | LoaderOptimization |
| | LoaderOptimizationAttribute |
| | LocalDataStoreSlot |
| | MarshalByRefObject |
| | Math |
| | MemberAccessException |
| | MethodAccessException |
| | MissingFieldException |
| | MissingMemberException |
| | MissingMethodException |
| | MTAThreadAttribute |
| | MulticastDelegate |
| | MulticastNotSupportedException |
| | NonSerializedAttribute |
| | NotFiniteNumberException |
| | NotImplementedException |
| | NotSupportedException |
| | NullReferenceException |
| | Object |
| | ObjectDisposedException |
| | ObsoleteAttribute |
| | OperatingSystem |
| | OutOfMemoryException |
| | OverflowException |
| | ParamArrayAttribute |
| | PlatformID |
| | PlatformNotSupportedException |
| | Random |
| | RankException |
| | ResolveEventArgs |
| | ResolveEventHandler |
| | RuntimeTypeHandle |
| | SByte |
| | SerializableAttribute |
| | Single |
| | StackOverflowException |
| | STAThreadAttribute |
| | String |
| | SystemException |
| | ThreadStaticAttribute |
| | TimeSpan |
| | TimeZone |
| | Type |
| | TypeCode |
| | TypeInitializationException |
| | TypeLoadException |
| | TypeUnloadedException |
| | UInt16 |
| | UInt32 |
| | UInt64 |
| | UIntPtr |
| | UnauthorizedAccessException |
| | UnhandledExceptionEventArgs |
| | UnhandledExceptionEventHandler |
| | Uri |
| | UriBuilder |
| | UriFormatException |
| | UriHostNameType |
| | UriPartial |
| | ValueType |
| | Version |
| | Void |
| | WeakReference |
| |
Chapter 27.
System.Collections |
| | ArrayList |
| | BitArray |
| | CaseInsensitiveComparer |
| | CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider |
| | CollectionBase |
| | Comparer |
| | DictionaryBase |
| | DictionaryEntry |
| | Hashtable |
| | ICollection |
| | IComparer |
| | IDictionary |
| | IDictionaryEnumerator |
| | IEnumerable |
| | IEnumerator |
| | IHashCodeProvider |
| | IList |
| | Queue |
| | ReadOnlyCollectionBase |
| | SortedList |
| | Stack |
| |
Chapter 28.
System.Collections.Specialized |
| | BitVector32 |
| | BitVector32.Section |
| | CollectionsUtil |
| | HybridDictionary |
| | ListDictionary |
| | NameObjectCollectionBase |
| | NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection |
| | NameValueCollection |
| | StringCollection |
| | StringDictionary |
| | StringEnumerator |
| |
Chapter 29.
System.Diagnostics |
| | BooleanSwitch |
| | ConditionalAttribute |
| | CounterCreationData |
| | CounterCreationDataCollection |
| | CounterSample |
| | CounterSampleCalculator |
| | Debug |
| | DebuggableAttribute |
| | Debugger |
| | DebuggerHiddenAttribute |
| | DebuggerStepThroughAttribute |
| | DefaultTraceListener |
| | EntryWrittenEventArgs |
| | EntryWrittenEventHandler |
| | EventLog |
| | EventLogEntry |
| | EventLogEntryCollection |
| | EventLogEntryType |
| | EventLogInstaller |
| | EventLogPermission |
| | EventLogPermissionAccess |
| | EventLogPermissionAttribute |
| | EventLogPermissionEntry |
| | EventLogPermissionEntryCollection |
| | EventLogTraceListener |
| | FileVersionInfo |
| | InstanceData |
| | InstanceDataCollection |
| | InstanceDataCollectionCollection |
| | MonitoringDescriptionAttribute |
| | PerformanceCounter |
| | PerformanceCounterCategory |
| | PerformanceCounterInstaller |
| | PerformanceCounterPermission |
| | PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess |
| | PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute |
| | PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry |
| | PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection |
| | PerformanceCounterType |
| | Process |
| | ProcessModule |
| | ProcessModuleCollection |
| | ProcessPriorityClass |
| | ProcessStartInfo |
| | ProcessThread |
| | ProcessThreadCollection |
| | ProcessWindowStyle |
| | StackFrame |
| | StackTrace |
| | Switch |
| | TextWriterTraceListener |
| | ThreadPriorityLevel |
| | ThreadState |
| | ThreadWaitReason |
| | Trace |
| | TraceLevel |
| | TraceListener |
| | TraceListenerCollection |
| | TraceSwitch |
| |
Chapter 30.
System.Globalization |
| | Calendar |
| | CalendarWeekRule |
| | CompareInfo |
| | CompareOptions |
| | CultureInfo |
| | CultureTypes |
| | DateTimeFormatInfo |
| | DateTimeStyles |
| | DaylightTime |
| | GregorianCalendar |
| | GregorianCalendarTypes |
| | HebrewCalendar |
| | HijriCalendar |
| | JapaneseCalendar |
| | JulianCalendar |
| | KoreanCalendar |
| | NumberFormatInfo |
| | NumberStyles |
| | RegionInfo |
| | SortKey |
| | StringInfo |
| | TaiwanCalendar |
| | TextElementEnumerator |
| | TextInfo |
| | ThaiBuddhistCalendar |
| | UnicodeCategory |
| |
Chapter 31.
System.IO |
| | BinaryReader |
| | BinaryWriter |
| | BufferedStream |
| | Directory |
| | DirectoryInfo |
| | DirectoryNotFoundException |
| | EndOfStreamException |
| | ErrorEventArgs |
| | ErrorEventHandler |
| | File |
| | FileAccess |
| | FileAttributes |
| | FileInfo |
| | FileLoadException |
| | FileMode |
| | FileNotFoundException |
| | FileShare |
| | FileStream |
| | FileSystemEventArgs |
| | FileSystemEventHandler |
| | FileSystemInfo |
| | FileSystemWatcher |
| | InternalBufferOverflowException |
| | IODescriptionAttribute |
| | IOException |
| | MemoryStream |
| | NotifyFilters |
| | Path |
| | PathTooLongException |
| | RenamedEventArgs |
| | RenamedEventHandler |
| | SeekOrigin |
| | Stream |
| | StreamReader |
| | StreamWriter |
| | StringReader |
| | StringWriter |
| | TextReader |
| | TextWriter |
| | WaitForChangedResult |
| | WatcherChangeTypes |
| |
Chapter 32.
System.IO.IsolatedStorage |
| | INormalizeForIsolatedStorage |
| | IsolatedStorage |
| | IsolatedStorageException |
| | IsolatedStorageFile |
| | IsolatedStorageFileStream |
| | IsolatedStorageScope |
| |
Chapter 33.
System.Net |
| | AuthenticationManager |
| | Authorization |
| | Cookie |
| | CookieCollection |
| | CookieContainer |
| | CookieException |
| | CredentialCache |
| | Dns |
| | DnsPermission |
| | DnsPermissionAttribute |
| | EndPoint |
| | EndpointPermission |
| | FileWebRequest |
| | FileWebResponse |
| | GlobalProxySelection |
| | HttpContinueDelegate |
| | HttpStatusCode |
| | HttpVersion |
| | HttpWebRequest |
| | HttpWebResponse |
| | IAuthenticationModule |
| | ICertificatePolicy |
| | ICredentials |
| | IPAddress |
| | IPEndPoint |
| | IPHostEntry |
| | IWebProxy |
| | IWebRequestCreate |
| | NetworkAccess |
| | NetworkCredential |
| | ProtocolViolationException |
| | SecurityProtocolType |
| | ServicePoint |
| | ServicePointManager |
| | SocketAddress |
| | SocketPermission |
| | SocketPermissionAttribute |
| | TransportType |
| | WebClient |
| | WebException |
| | WebExceptionStatus |
| | WebHeaderCollection |
| | WebPermission |
| | WebPermissionAttribute |
| | WebProxy |
| | WebRequest |
| | WebResponse |
| |
Chapter 34.
System.Net.Sockets |
| | AddressFamily |
| | IPv6MulticastOption |
| | LingerOption |
| | MulticastOption |
| | NetworkStream |
| | ProtocolFamily |
| | ProtocolType |
| | SelectMode |
| | Socket |
| | SocketException |
| | SocketFlags |
| | SocketOptionLevel |
| | SocketOptionName |
| | SocketShutdown |
| | SocketType |
| | TcpClient |
| | TcpListener |
| | UdpClient |
| |
Chapter 35.
System.Reflection |
| | AmbiguousMatchException |
| | Assembly |
| | AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute |
| | AssemblyCompanyAttribute |
| | AssemblyConfigurationAttribute |
| | AssemblyCopyrightAttribute |
| | AssemblyCultureAttribute |
| | AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute |
| | AssemblyDelaySignAttribute |
| | AssemblyDescriptionAttribute |
| | AssemblyFileVersionAttribute |
| | AssemblyFlagsAttribute |
| | AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute |
| | AssemblyKeyFileAttribute |
| | AssemblyKeyNameAttribute |
| | AssemblyName |
| | AssemblyNameFlags |
| | AssemblyNameProxy |
| | AssemblyProductAttribute |
| | AssemblyTitleAttribute |
| | AssemblyTrademarkAttribute |
| | AssemblyVersionAttribute |
| | Binder |
| | BindingFlags |
| | CallingConventions |
| | ConstructorInfo |
| | CustomAttributeFormatException |
| | DefaultMemberAttribute |
| | EventAttributes |
| | EventInfo |
| | FieldAttributes |
| | FieldInfo |
| | ICustomAttributeProvider |
| | InterfaceMapping |
| | InvalidFilterCriteriaException |
| | IReflect |
| | ManifestResourceInfo |
| | MemberFilter |
| | MemberInfo |
| | MemberTypes |
| | MethodAttributes |
| | MethodBase |
| | MethodImplAttributes |
| | MethodInfo |
| | Missing |
| | Module |
| | ModuleResolveEventHandler |
| | ParameterAttributes |
| | ParameterInfo |
| | ParameterModifier |
| | Pointer |
| | PropertyAttributes |
| | PropertyInfo |
| | ReflectionTypeLoadException |
| | ResourceAttributes |
| | ResourceLocation |
| | StrongNameKeyPair |
| | TargetException |
| | TargetInvocationException |
| | TargetParameterCountException |
| | TypeAttributes |
| | TypeDelegator |
| | TypeFilter |
| |
Chapter 36.
System.Reflection.Emit |
| | AssemblyBuilder |
| | AssemblyBuilderAccess |
| | ConstructorBuilder |
| | CustomAttributeBuilder |
| | EnumBuilder |
| | EventBuilder |
| | EventToken |
| | FieldBuilder |
| | FieldToken |
| | FlowControl |
| | ILGenerator |
| | Label |
| | LocalBuilder |
| | MethodBuilder |
| | MethodRental |
| | MethodToken |
| | ModuleBuilder |
| | OpCode |
| | OpCodes |
| | OpCodeType |
| | OperandType |
| | PackingSize |
| | ParameterBuilder |
| | ParameterToken |
| | PEFileKinds |
| | PropertyBuilder |
| | PropertyToken |
| | SignatureHelper |
| | SignatureToken |
| | StackBehaviour |
| | StringToken |
| | TypeBuilder |
| | TypeToken |
| | UnmanagedMarshal |
| |
Chapter 37.
System.Runtime.InteropServices |
| | ArrayWithOffset |
| | AssemblyRegistrationFlags |
| | BestFitMappingAttribute |
| | CallingConvention |
| | CharSet |
| | ClassInterfaceAttribute |
| | ClassInterfaceType |
| | CoClassAttribute |
| | ComAliasNameAttribute |
| | ComCompatibleVersionAttribute |
| | ComConversionLossAttribute |
| | COMException |
| | ComImportAttribute |
| | ComInterfaceType |
| | ComMemberType |
| | ComRegisterFunctionAttribute |
| | ComSourceInterfacesAttribute |
| | ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute |
| | ComVisibleAttribute |
| | CurrencyWrapper |
| | DispatchWrapper |
| | DispIdAttribute |
| | DllImportAttribute |
| | ErrorWrapper |
| | ExtensibleClassFactory |
| | ExternalException |
| | FieldOffsetAttribute |
| | GCHandle |
| | GCHandleType |
| | GuidAttribute |
| | HandleRef |
| | IDispatchImplAttribute |
| | IDispatchImplType |
| | InAttribute |
| | InterfaceTypeAttribute |
| | InvalidComObjectException |
| | InvalidOleVariantTypeException |
| | IRegistrationServices |
| | LayoutKind |
| | LCIDConversionAttribute |
| | Marshal |
| | MarshalAsAttribute |
| | MarshalDirectiveException |
| | ObjectCreationDelegate |
| | OptionalAttribute |
| | OutAttribute |
| | PreserveSigAttribute |
| | ProgIdAttribute |
| | RegistrationServices |
| | RuntimeEnvironment |
| | SafeArrayRankMismatchException |
| | SafeArrayTypeMismatchException |
| | SEHException |
| | StructLayoutAttribute |
| | TypeLibVersionAttribute |
| | UnknownWrapper |
| | UnmanagedType |
| | VarEnum |
| | IExpando |
| |
Chapter 38.
System.Runtime.Serialization |
| | Formatter |
| | FormatterConverter |
| | FormatterServices |
| | IDeserializationCallback |
| | IFormatter |
| | IFormatterConverter |
| | IObjectReference |
| | ISerializable |
| | ISerializationSurrogate |
| | ISurrogateSelector |
| | ObjectIDGenerator |
| | ObjectManager |
| | SerializationBinder |
| | SerializationEntry |
| | SerializationException |
| | SerializationInfo |
| | SerializationInfoEnumerator |
| | StreamingContext |
| | StreamingContextStates |
| | SurrogateSelector |
| |
Chapter 39.
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters |
| | BinaryFormatter |
| | FormatterAssemblyStyle |
| | FormatterTypeStyle |
| | IFieldInfo |
| | ISoapMessage |
| | ServerFault |
| | SoapFault |
| | SoapFormatter |
| | SoapMessage |
| | TypeFilterLevel |
| |
Chapter 40.
System.Text |
| | ASCIIEncoding |
| | Decoder |
| | Encoder |
| | Encoding |
| | StringBuilder |
| | UnicodeEncoding |
| | UTF7Encoding |
| | UTF8Encoding |
| |
Chapter 41.
System.Text.RegularExpressions |
| | Capture |
| | CaptureCollection |
| | Group |
| | GroupCollection |
| | Match |
| | MatchCollection |
| | MatchEvaluator |
| | Regex |
| | RegexCompilationInfo |
| | RegexOptions |
| |
Chapter 42.
System.Threading |
| | ApartmentState |
| | AutoResetEvent |
| | Interlocked |
| | IOCompletionCallback |
| | LockCookie |
| | ManualResetEvent |
| | Monitor |
| | Mutex |
| | NativeOverlapped |
| | Overlapped |
| | ReaderWriterLock |
| | RegisteredWaitHandle |
| | SynchronizationLockException |
| | Thread |
| | ThreadAbortException |
| | ThreadExceptionEventArgs |
| | ThreadExceptionEventHandler |
| | ThreadInterruptedException |
| | ThreadPool |
| | ThreadPriority |
| | ThreadStart |
| | ThreadState |
| | ThreadStateException |
| | Timeout |
| | Timer |
| | TimerCallback |
| | WaitCallback |
| | WaitHandle |
| | WaitOrTimerCallback |
| |
Chapter 43.
System.Timers |
| | ElapsedEventArgs |
| | ElapsedEventHandler |
| | Timer |
| | TimersDescriptionAttribute |
| |
Chapter 44.
System.Xml |
| | EntityHandling |
| | Formatting |
| | IHasXmlNode |
| | IXmlLineInfo |
| | NameTable |
| | ReadState |
| | ValidationType |
| | WhitespaceHandling |
| | WriteState |
| | XmlAttribute |
| | XmlAttributeCollection |
| | XmlCDataSection |
| | XmlCharacterData |
| | XmlComment |
| | XmlConvert |
| | XmlDataDocument |
| | XmlDeclaration |
| | XmlDocument |
| | XmlDocumentFragment |
| | XmlDocumentType |
| | XmlElement |
| | XmlEntity |
| | XmlEntityReference |
| | XmlException |
| | XmlImplementation |
| | XmlLinkedNode |
| | XmlNamedNodeMap |
| | XmlNamespaceManager |
| | XmlNameTable |
| | XmlNode |
| | XmlNodeChangedAction |
| | XmlNodeChangedEventArgs |
| | XmlNodeChangedEventHandler |
| | XmlNodeList |
| | XmlNodeOrder |
| | XmlNodeReader |
| | XmlNodeType |
| | XmlNotation |
| | XmlParserContext |
| | XmlProcessingInstruction |
| | XmlQualifiedName |
| | XmlReader |
| | XmlResolver |
| | XmlSecureResolver |
| | XmlSignificantWhitespace |
| | XmlSpace |
| | XmlText |
| | XmlTextReader |
| | XmlTextWriter |
| | XmlTokenizedType |
| | XmlUrlResolver |
| | XmlValidatingReader |
| | XmlWhitespace |
| | XmlWriter |
| |
Chapter 45.
System.Xml.XPath |
| | IXPathNavigable |
| | XmlCaseOrder |
| | XmlDataType |
| | XmlSortOrder |
| | XPathDocument |
| | XPathException |
| | XPathExpression |
| | XPathNamespaceScope |
| | XPathNavigator |
| | XPathNodeIterator |
| | XPathNodeType |
| | XPathResultType |
| |
Chapter 46.
System.Xml.Xsl |
| | IXsltContextFunction |
| | IXsltContextVariable |
| | XsltArgumentList |
| | XsltCompileException |
| | XsltContext |
| | XsltException |
| | XslTransform |
| |
Part V:
Appendixes |
| |
Appendix A.
Regular Expressions |
| |
Appendix B.
Format Specifiers |
| |
Section B.1.
Picture Format Specifiers |
| |
Section B.2.
DateTime Format Specifiers |
| |
Appendix C.
Data Marshaling |
| |
Appendix D.
C# Keywords |
| |
Appendix E.
Namespaces and Assemblies |
| |
Appendix F.
Type, Method, Property, Event, and Field Index |
| | A-D |
| | E-I |
| | J-R |
| | S-Z |
| | Colophon |
| | Index |