| | Copyright |
| | Preface |
| | Who This Book Is For |
| | How This Book Is Structured |
| | Assumptions This Book Makes |
| | What's on the CD |
| | Conventions Used in This Book |
| | How to Contact Us |
| | Acknowledgments |
| |
Part I:
Introduction to Windows Forms |
| |
Chapter 1.
.NET and Windows Forms Overview |
| |
Section 1.1.
Windows Development and .NET |
| |
Section 1.2.
The Common Language Runtime |
| |
Section 1.3.
.NET Programming Languages |
| |
Section 1.4.
Components |
| |
Section 1.5.
The .NET Type System |
| |
Section 1.6.
The .NET Framework Class Library |
| |
Chapter 2.
Controls |
| |
Section 2.1.
Windows Forms and the Control Class |
| |
Section 2.2.
Using Standard Control Features |
| |
Section 2.3.
Built-in Controls |
| |
Section 2.4.
Summary |
| |
Chapter 3.
Forms, Containers, and Applications |
| |
Section 3.1.
Application Structure |
| |
Section 3.2.
The Form Class |
| |
Section 3.3.
Containment |
| |
Section 3.4.
Layout |
| |
Section 3.5.
Localization |
| |
Section 3.6.
Extender Providers |
| |
Section 3.7.
Summary |
| |
Chapter 4.
Menus and Toolbars |
| |
Section 4.1.
Menus |
| |
Section 4.2.
Toolbars |
| |
Section 4.3.
Unified Event Handling |
| |
Section 4.4.
Office-Style Menus and Toolbars |
| |
Section 4.5.
Summary |
| |
Chapter 5.
Building Controls |
| |
Section 5.1.
Composite Controls |
| |
Section 5.2.
Custom Controls |
| |
Section 5.3.
Designing for Developers |
| |
Section 5.4.
Summary |
| |
Chapter 6.
Inheritance and Reuse |
| |
Section 6.1.
When to Inherit |
| |
Section 6.2.
Inheriting from Forms and User Controls |
| |
Section 6.3.
Inheriting from Other Controls |
| |
Section 6.4.
Pitfalls of Inheritance |
| |
Section 6.5.
Summary |
| |
Chapter 7.
Redrawing and GDI+ |
| |
Section 7.1.
Drawing and Controls |
| |
Section 7.2.
GDI+ |
| |
Section 7.3.
Summary |
| |
Chapter 8.
Property Grids |
| |
Section 8.1.
Displaying Simple Objects |
| |
Section 8.2.
Type Conversion |
| |
Section 8.3.
Custom Type Editors |
| |
Section 8.4.
Summary |
| |
Chapter 9.
Controls and the IDE |
| |
Section 9.1.
Design Time Versus Runtime |
| |
Section 9.2.
Custom Component Designers |
| |
Section 9.3.
Extender Providers |
| |
Section 9.4.
Summary |
| |
Chapter 10.
Data Binding |
| |
Section 10.1.
Data Sources and Bindings |
| |
Section 10.2.
Simple and Complex Binding |
| |
Section 10.3.
DataTable, DataSet, and Friends |
| |
Section 10.4.
The DataGrid Control |
| |
Section 10.5.
The DataView Class |
| |
Section 10.6.
Summary |
| |
Part II:
API Quick Reference |
| |
Chapter 11.
How to Use This Quick Reference |
| |
Section 11.1.
Finding a Quick-Reference Entry |
| |
Section 11.2.
Reading a Quick-Reference Entry |
| |
Chapter 12.
Converting from C# to VB Syntax |
| |
Section 12.1.
General Considerations |
| |
Section 12.2.
Classes |
| |
Section 12.3.
Structures |
| |
Section 12.4.
Interfaces |
| |
Section 12.5.
Class, Structure, and Interface Members |
| |
Section 12.6.
Delegates |
| |
Section 12.7.
Enumerations |
| |
Chapter 13.
The System.ComponentModel Namespace |
| | AmbientValueAttribute |
| | ArrayConverter |
| | AttributeCollection |
| | BaseNumberConverter |
| | BindableAttribute |
| | BindableSupport |
| | BooleanConverter |
| | BrowsableAttribute |
| | ByteConverter |
| | CancelEventArgs |
| | CancelEventHandler |
| | CategoryAttribute |
| | CharConverter |
| | CollectionChangeAction |
| | CollectionChangeEventArgs |
| | CollectionChangeEventHandler |
| | CollectionConverter |
| | Component |
| | ComponentCollection |
| | ComponentConverter |
| | ComponentEditor |
| | Container |
| | CultureInfoConverter |
| | DateTimeConverter |
| | DecimalConverter |
| | DefaultEventAttribute |
| | DefaultPropertyAttribute |
| | DefaultValueAttribute |
| | DescriptionAttribute |
| | DesignerAttribute |
| | DesignerCategoryAttribute |
| | DesignerSerializationVisibility |
| | DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute |
| | DesignOnlyAttribute |
| | DesignTimeVisibleAttribute |
| | DoubleConverter |
| | EditorAttribute |
| | EditorBrowsableAttribute |
| | EditorBrowsableState |
| | EnumConverter |
| | EventDescriptor |
| | EventDescriptorCollection |
| | EventHandlerList |
| | ExpandableObjectConverter |
| | ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute |
| | GuidConverter |
| | IBindingList |
| | IComNativeDescriptorHandler |
| | IComponent |
| | IContainer |
| | ICustomTypeDescriptor |
| | IDataErrorInfo |
| | IEditableObject |
| | IExtenderProvider |
| | IListSource |
| | ImmutableObjectAttribute |
| | InheritanceAttribute |
| | InheritanceLevel |
| | InstallerTypeAttribute |
| | Int16Converter |
| | Int32Converter |
| | Int64Converter |
| | InvalidEnumArgumentException |
| | ISite |
| | ISupportInitialize |
| | ISynchronizeInvoke |
| | ITypeDescriptorContext |
| | ITypedList |
| | License |
| | LicenseContext |
| | LicenseException |
| | LicenseManager |
| | LicenseProvider |
| | LicenseProviderAttribute |
| | LicenseUsageMode |
| | LicFileLicenseProvider |
| | ListBindableAttribute |
| | ListChangedEventArgs |
| | ListChangedEventHandler |
| | ListChangedType |
| | ListSortDirection |
| | LocalizableAttribute |
| | MarshalByValueComponent |
| | MemberDescriptor |
| | MergablePropertyAttribute |
| | NotifyParentPropertyAttribute |
| | ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute |
| | PropertyChangedEventArgs |
| | PropertyChangedEventHandler |
| | PropertyDescriptor |
| | PropertyDescriptorCollection |
| | PropertyTabAttribute |
| | PropertyTabScope |
| | ProvidePropertyAttribute |
| | ReadOnlyAttribute |
| | RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute |
| | ReferenceConverter |
| | RefreshEventArgs |
| | RefreshEventHandler |
| | RefreshProperties |
| | RefreshPropertiesAttribute |
| | RunInstallerAttribute |
| | SByteConverter |
| | SingleConverter |
| | StringConverter |
| | SyntaxCheck |
| | TimeSpanConverter |
| | ToolboxItemAttribute |
| | ToolboxItemFilterAttribute |
| | ToolboxItemFilterType |
| | TypeConverter |
| | TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection |
| | TypeConverterAttribute |
| | TypeDescriptor |
| | TypeListConverter |
| | UInt16Converter |
| | UInt32Converter |
| | UInt64Converter |
| | WarningException |
| | Win32Exception |
| |
Chapter 14.
The System.Drawing Namespace |
| | Bitmap |
| | Brush |
| | Brushes |
| | CharacterRange |
| | Color |
| | ColorConverter |
| | ColorTranslator |
| | ContentAlignment |
| | Font |
| | FontConverter |
| | FontConverter.FontNameConverter |
| | FontConverter.FontUnitConverter |
| | FontFamily |
| | FontStyle |
| | Graphics |
| | Graphics.DrawImageAbort |
| | Graphics.EnumerateMetafileProc |
| | GraphicsUnit |
| | Icon |
| | IconConverter |
| | Image |
| | Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort |
| | ImageAnimator |
| | ImageConverter |
| | ImageFormatConverter |
| | KnownColor |
| | Pen |
| | Pens |
| | Point |
| | PointConverter |
| | PointF |
| | Rectangle |
| | RectangleConverter |
| | RectangleF |
| | Region |
| | RotateFlipType |
| | Size |
| | SizeConverter |
| | SizeF |
| | SolidBrush |
| | StringAlignment |
| | StringDigitSubstitute |
| | StringFormat |
| | StringFormatFlags |
| | StringTrimming |
| | StringUnit |
| | SystemBrushes |
| | SystemColors |
| | SystemIcons |
| | SystemPens |
| | TextureBrush |
| | ToolboxBitmapAttribute |
| |
Chapter 15.
The System.Drawing.Drawing2D Namespace |
| | AdjustableArrowCap |
| | Blend |
| | ColorBlend |
| | CombineMode |
| | CompositingMode |
| | CompositingQuality |
| | CoordinateSpace |
| | CustomLineCap |
| | DashCap |
| | DashStyle |
| | FillMode |
| | FlushIntention |
| | GraphicsContainer |
| | GraphicsPath |
| | GraphicsPathIterator |
| | GraphicsState |
| | HatchBrush |
| | HatchStyle |
| | InterpolationMode |
| | LinearGradientBrush |
| | LinearGradientMode |
| | LineCap |
| | LineJoin |
| | Matrix |
| | MatrixOrder |
| | PathData |
| | PathGradientBrush |
| | PathPointType |
| | PenAlignment |
| | PenType |
| | PixelOffsetMode |
| | QualityMode |
| | RegionData |
| | SmoothingMode |
| | WarpMode |
| | WrapMode |
| |
Chapter 16.
The System.Drawing.Imaging Namespace |
| | BitmapData |
| | ColorAdjustType |
| | ColorChannelFlag |
| | ColorMap |
| | ColorMapType |
| | ColorMatrix |
| | ColorMatrixFlag |
| | ColorMode |
| | ColorPalette |
| | EmfPlusRecordType |
| | EmfType |
| | Encoder |
| | EncoderParameter |
| | EncoderParameters |
| | EncoderParameterValueType |
| | EncoderValue |
| | FrameDimension |
| | ImageAttributes |
| | ImageCodecFlags |
| | ImageCodecInfo |
| | ImageFlags |
| | ImageFormat |
| | ImageLockMode |
| | Metafile |
| | MetafileFrameUnit |
| | MetafileHeader |
| | MetafileType |
| | MetaHeader |
| | PaletteFlags |
| | PixelFormat |
| | PlayRecordCallback |
| | PropertyItem |
| | WmfPlaceableFileHeader |
| |
Chapter 17.
The System.Drawing.Printing Namespace |
| | Duplex |
| | InvalidPrinterException |
| | Margins |
| | MarginsConverter |
| | PageSettings |
| | PaperKind |
| | PaperSize |
| | PaperSource |
| | PaperSourceKind |
| | PreviewPageInfo |
| | PreviewPrintController |
| | PrintController |
| | PrintDocument |
| | PrinterResolution |
| | PrinterResolutionKind |
| | PrinterSettings |
| | PrinterSettings.PaperSizeCollection |
| | PrinterSettings.PaperSourceCollection |
| | PrinterSettings.PrinterResolutionCollection |
| | PrinterSettings.StringCollection |
| | PrinterUnit |
| | PrinterUnitConvert |
| | PrintEventArgs |
| | PrintEventHandler |
| | PrintingPermission |
| | PrintingPermissionAttribute |
| | PrintingPermissionLevel |
| | PrintPageEventArgs |
| | PrintPageEventHandler |
| | PrintRange |
| | QueryPageSettingsEventArgs |
| | QueryPageSettingsEventHandler |
| | StandardPrintController |
| |
Chapter 18.
The System.Drawing.Text Namespace |
| | FontCollection |
| | GenericFontFamilies |
| | HotkeyPrefix |
| | InstalledFontCollection |
| | PrivateFontCollection |
| | TextRenderingHint |
| |
Chapter 19.
The System.Windows.Forms Namespace |
| | AccessibleEvents |
| | AccessibleNavigation |
| | AccessibleObject |
| | AccessibleRole |
| | AccessibleSelection |
| | AccessibleStates |
| | AmbientProperties |
| | AnchorStyles |
| | Appearance |
| | Application |
| | ApplicationContext |
| | ArrangeDirection |
| | ArrangeStartingPosition |
| | AxHost |
| | AxHost.ActiveXInvokeKind |
| | AxHost.AxComponentEditor |
| | AxHost.ClsidAttribute |
| | AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie |
| | AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException |
| | AxHost.State |
| | AxHost.StateConverter |
| | AxHost.TypeLibraryTimeStampAttribute |
| | BaseCollection |
| | Binding |
| | BindingContext |
| | BindingManagerBase |
| | BindingMemberInfo |
| | BindingsCollection |
| | BootMode |
| | Border3DSide |
| | Border3DStyle |
| | BorderStyle |
| | BoundsSpecified |
| | Button |
| | ButtonBase |
| | ButtonBase.ButtonBaseAccessibleObject |
| | ButtonBorderStyle |
| | ButtonState |
| | CaptionButton |
| | CharacterCasing |
| | CheckBox |
| | CheckBox.CheckBoxAccessibleObject |
| | CheckedListBox |
| | CheckedListBox.CheckedIndexCollection |
| | CheckedListBox.CheckedItemCollection |
| | CheckedListBox.ObjectCollection |
| | CheckState |
| | Clipboard |
| | ColorDepth |
| | ColorDialog |
| | ColumnClickEventArgs |
| | ColumnClickEventHandler |
| | ColumnHeader |
| | ColumnHeaderStyle |
| | ComboBox |
| | ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject |
| | ComboBox.ObjectCollection |
| | ComboBoxStyle |
| | CommonDialog |
| | ContainerControl |
| | ContentsResizedEventArgs |
| | ContentsResizedEventHandler |
| | ContextMenu |
| | Control |
| | Control.ControlAccessibleObject |
| | Control.ControlCollection |
| | ControlBindingsCollection |
| | ControlEventArgs |
| | ControlEventHandler |
| | ControlPaint |
| | ControlStyles |
| | ConvertEventArgs |
| | ConvertEventHandler |
| | CreateParams |
| | CurrencyManager |
| | Cursor |
| | CursorConverter |
| | Cursors |
| | DataFormats |
| | DataFormats.Format |
| | DataGrid |
| | DataGrid.HitTestInfo |
| | DataGrid.HitTestType |
| | DataGridBoolColumn |
| | DataGridCell |
| | DataGridColumnStyle |
| | DataGridLineStyle |
| | DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle |
| | DataGridPreferredColumnWidthTypeConverter |
| | DataGridTableStyle |
| | DataGridTextBox |
| | DataGridTextBoxColumn |
| | DataObject |
| | DateBoldEventArgs |
| | DateBoldEventHandler |
| | DateRangeEventArgs |
| | DateRangeEventHandler |
| | DateTimePicker |
| | DateTimePicker.DateTimePickerAccessibleObject |
| | DateTimePickerFormat |
| | Day |
| | DialogResult |
| | DockStyle |
| | DomainUpDown |
| | DomainUpDown.DomainItemAccessibleObject |
| | DomainUpDown.DomainUpDownAccessibleObject |
| | DomainUpDown.DomainUpDownItemCollection |
| | DragAction |
| | DragDropEffects |
| | DragEventArgs |
| | DragEventHandler |
| | DrawItemEventArgs |
| | DrawItemEventHandler |
| | DrawItemState |
| | DrawMode |
| | ErrorBlinkStyle |
| | ErrorIconAlignment |
| | ErrorProvider |
| | FeatureSupport |
| | FileDialog |
| | FlatStyle |
| | FontDialog |
| | Form |
| | Form.ControlCollection |
| | FormBorderStyle |
| | FormStartPosition |
| | FormWindowState |
| | FrameStyle |
| | GiveFeedbackEventArgs |
| | GiveFeedbackEventHandler |
| | GridColumnStylesCollection |
| | GridItem |
| | GridItemCollection |
| | GridItemType |
| | GridTablesFactory |
| | GridTableStylesCollection |
| | GroupBox |
| | Help |
| | HelpEventArgs |
| | HelpEventHandler |
| | HelpNavigator |
| | HelpProvider |
| | HorizontalAlignment |
| | HScrollBar |
| | IButtonControl |
| | ICommandExecutor |
| | IComponentEditorPageSite |
| | IContainerControl |
| | IDataGridColumnStyleEditingNotificationService |
| | IDataGridEditingService |
| | IDataObject |
| | IFeatureSupport |
| | IFileReaderService |
| | ImageIndexConverter |
| | ImageList |
| | ImageList.ImageCollection |
| | ImageListStreamer |
| | ImeMode |
| | IMessageFilter |
| | InputLanguage |
| | InputLanguageChangedEventArgs |
| | InputLanguageChangedEventHandler |
| | InputLanguageChangingEventArgs |
| | InputLanguageChangingEventHandler |
| | InputLanguageCollection |
| | InvalidateEventArgs |
| | InvalidateEventHandler |
| | ItemActivation |
| | ItemBoundsPortion |
| | ItemChangedEventArgs |
| | ItemChangedEventHandler |
| | ItemCheckEventArgs |
| | ItemCheckEventHandler |
| | ItemDragEventArgs |
| | ItemDragEventHandler |
| | IWin32Window |
| | IWindowTarget |
| | KeyEventArgs |
| | KeyEventHandler |
| | KeyPressEventArgs |
| | KeyPressEventHandler |
| | Keys |
| | KeysConverter |
| | Label |
| | LabelEditEventArgs |
| | LabelEditEventHandler |
| | LayoutEventArgs |
| | LayoutEventHandler |
| | LeftRightAlignment |
| | LinkArea |
| | LinkArea.LinkAreaConverter |
| | LinkBehavior |
| | LinkClickedEventArgs |
| | LinkClickedEventHandler |
| | LinkLabel |
| | LinkLabel.Link |
| | LinkLabel.LinkCollection |
| | LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs |
| | LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler |
| | LinkState |
| | ListBindingConverter |
| | ListBox |
| | ListBox.ObjectCollection |
| | ListBox.SelectedIndexCollection |
| | ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection |
| | ListControl |
| | ListView |
| | ListView.CheckedIndexCollection |
| | ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollection |
| | ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection |
| | ListView.ListViewItemCollection |
| | ListView.SelectedIndexCollection |
| | ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection |
| | ListViewAlignment |
| | ListViewItem |
| | ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem |
| | ListViewItem.ListViewSubItemCollection |
| | ListViewItemConverter |
| | MainMenu |
| | MdiClient |
| | MdiClient.ControlCollection |
| | MdiLayout |
| | MeasureItemEventArgs |
| | MeasureItemEventHandler |
| | Menu |
| | Menu.MenuItemCollection |
| | MenuGlyph |
| | MenuItem |
| | MenuMerge |
| | Message |
| | MessageBox |
| | MessageBoxButtons |
| | MessageBoxDefaultButton |
| | MessageBoxIcon |
| | MessageBoxOptions |
| | MethodInvoker |
| | MonthCalendar |
| | MonthCalendar.HitArea |
| | MonthCalendar.HitTestInfo |
| | MouseButtons |
| | MouseEventArgs |
| | MouseEventHandler |
| | NativeWindow |
| | NavigateEventArgs |
| | NavigateEventHandler |
| | NodeLabelEditEventArgs |
| | NodeLabelEditEventHandler |
| | NotifyIcon |
| | NumericUpDown |
| | OpacityConverter |
| | OpenFileDialog |
| | Orientation |
| | OSFeature |
| | OwnerDrawPropertyBag |
| | PageSetupDialog |
| | PaintEventArgs |
| | PaintEventHandler |
| | Panel |
| | PictureBox |
| | PictureBoxSizeMode |
| | PrintControllerWithStatusDialog |
| | PrintDialog |
| | PrintPreviewControl |
| | PrintPreviewDialog |
| | ProgressBar |
| | PropertyGrid |
| | PropertyGrid.PropertyTabCollection |
| | PropertyManager |
| | PropertySort |
| | PropertyTabChangedEventArgs |
| | PropertyTabChangedEventHandler |
| | PropertyValueChangedEventArgs |
| | PropertyValueChangedEventHandler |
| | QueryAccessibilityHelpEventArgs |
| | QueryAccessibilityHelpEventHandler |
| | QueryContinueDragEventArgs |
| | QueryContinueDragEventHandler |
| | RadioButton |
| | RadioButton.RadioButtonAccessibleObject |
| | RichTextBox |
| | RichTextBoxFinds |
| | RichTextBoxScrollBars |
| | RichTextBoxSelectionAttribute |
| | RichTextBoxSelectionTypes |
| | RichTextBoxStreamType |
| | RichTextBoxWordPunctuations |
| | RightToLeft |
| | SaveFileDialog |
| | Screen |
| | ScrollableControl |
| | ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges |
| | ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdgesConverter |
| | ScrollBar |
| | ScrollBars |
| | ScrollButton |
| | ScrollEventArgs |
| | ScrollEventHandler |
| | ScrollEventType |
| | SecurityIDType |
| | SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs |
| | SelectedGridItemChangedEventHandler |
| | SelectionMode |
| | SelectionRange |
| | SelectionRangeConverter |
| | SendKeys |
| | Shortcut |
| | SizeGripStyle |
| | SortOrder |
| | Splitter |
| | SplitterEventArgs |
| | SplitterEventHandler |
| | StatusBar |
| | StatusBar.StatusBarPanelCollection |
| | StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs |
| | StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler |
| | StatusBarPanel |
| | StatusBarPanelAutoSize |
| | StatusBarPanelBorderStyle |
| | StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs |
| | StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler |
| | StatusBarPanelStyle |
| | StructFormat |
| | SystemInformation |
| | TabAlignment |
| | TabAppearance |
| | TabControl |
| | TabControl.ControlCollection |
| | TabControl.TabPageCollection |
| | TabDrawMode |
| | TabPage |
| | TabPage.TabPageControlCollection |
| | TabSizeMode |
| | TextBox |
| | TextBoxBase |
| | ThreadExceptionDialog |
| | TickStyle |
| | Timer |
| | ToolBar |
| | ToolBar.ToolBarButtonCollection |
| | ToolBarAppearance |
| | ToolBarButton |
| | ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs |
| | ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler |
| | ToolBarButtonStyle |
| | ToolBarTextAlign |
| | ToolTip |
| | TrackBar |
| | TreeNode |
| | TreeNodeCollection |
| | TreeNodeConverter |
| | TreeView |
| | TreeViewAction |
| | TreeViewCancelEventArgs |
| | TreeViewCancelEventHandler |
| | TreeViewEventArgs |
| | TreeViewEventHandler |
| | TreeViewImageIndexConverter |
| | UICues |
| | UICuesEventArgs |
| | UICuesEventHandler |
| | UpDownBase |
| | UpDownEventArgs |
| | UpDownEventHandler |
| | UserControl |
| | View |
| | VScrollBar |
| |
Chapter 20.
The System.Windows.Forms.Design Namespace |
| | AnchorEditor |
| | AxImporter |
| | AxImporter.IReferenceResolver |
| | AxImporter.Options |
| | AxParameterData |
| | AxWrapperGen |
| | ComponentDocumentDesigner |
| | ComponentEditorForm |
| | ComponentEditorPage |
| | ComponentTray |
| | ControlDesigner |
| | ControlDesigner.ControlDesignerAccessibleObject |
| | DockEditor |
| | DocumentDesigner |
| | EventHandlerService |
| | EventsTab |
| | FileNameEditor |
| | FolderNameEditor |
| | IMenuEditorService |
| | IUIService |
| | IWindowsFormsEditorService |
| | MenuCommands |
| | ParentControlDesigner |
| | PropertyTab |
| | ScrollableControlDesigner |
| | SelectionRules |
| | WindowsFormsComponentEditor |
| |
Part III:
Appendixes |
| |
Appendix A.
Namespaces and Assemblies |
| |
Appendix B.
Type, Method, Property, Event, and Field Index |
| | Colophon |
| | Index |